A group of my Homeopathy colleagues got talking about some of their ‘magic’ or ‘wonderful moments’ in experiencing Homeopathy recently. It started like this, when we were discussing the treatment of Salmonella food poisoning.
success stories
The Handman – an amazing cure with Homeopathy
This article was first published in the ARH magazine, “Homeopathy in Practice”, Summer 2005 edition. Alison Pittendrigh, a UK trained Homeopathy, who runs the Frontline Homeopathy project near Mombasa in Kenya, was the author.
No day of rest
It was a Sunday afternoon, just the time when I don’t really want to see a patient. One of the workers told me that a man had arrived with a very sore hand.
“How sore” I asked.
“It’s very bad” he replied
I have to admit I sighed. “Very bad” is something that is seen every day here and I really needed a break.