Registered Full Membership


New membership: This Special Offer 2024 for new registration applications the offer is open NOW! Registered membership until 30 September 2025 for the same rate as the usual 12 month fee, with no registration fee to pay (normally £100). Just £340 in total!

Please note, Registered Membership costs £340!
This may be paid as a single payment, or you may stage the payments by clicking on the payment option shown at the checkout. Staged payments consist of one payment of £68 followed by eight one-monthly payments of £34 each.

Single payment discounts are available to existing members of the ARH who are renewing their membership.

Membership Renewal: Single payment discount of £20 making total to pay £320

GoCardless is used for direct debit payments. For the staged payments, one initial direct debit payment of £68 then 8 monthly direct debit payments of £34. £340 total. To set up your staged payment instructions, please CLICK HERE, select from the options shown on screen (‘new or renew’ & ‘payment type’) then go to the checkout and complete the set-up.

SKU: ARH-RM Category:


Extra Special Offer 2024! Join us now, and your membership is valid until 30 September 2025! And we’ve waived the registration fee again, which is normally £100! This is one very good deal!

New Registered membership: This Special Summer Offer 2024/5 for new registration applications is open until 30 September 2025, and there is no registration fee to pay (normally £100). Just £340 in total!

Please note, Registered Membership costs £340!
This may be paid as a single payment, or you may stage the payments by clicking on the payment option shown at the checkout. Staged payments consist of one payment of £68 followed by eight one-monthly payments of £34 each.

Single payment discounts are available to existing members of the ARH who are renewing their membership.

Registered Membership Renewal: Single payment discount of £20 – total to pay = £320.

GoCardless is used for direct debit staged payments. For staged payments one initial direct debit payment of £68 then eight one-monthly direct debit payments of £34 each. Total payable £340.

CLICK HERE to set up your staged payments.

New Membership – After payment

Please email us on for an application form or complete the online form below.

ARH Practitioner registration form (opens in a new window)

Additional information

New or Renew

New, Renewal

Payment Type

Single, Staged